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The Six Best Motorcycle Roads in Vermont

Here's what you need to know...
  • Vermont has many scenic routes that are ideal for exploring on a motorcycle
  • When you ride a motorcycle, you will enjoy being close to nature and participating in the biker community
  • Riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, so you should invest in the right insurance policy before you start exploring Vermont

Some people choose to ride a motorcycle regularly because it is usually more affordable than driving a car. However, most people who ride a motorcycle do so because of the uniquely thrilling and enjoyable experience.

Motorcycles have been a popular method of transportation for many years, and a strong biker community and culture has developed as a result.

When you are cruising down the road on a motorcycle, you will look far cooler than you would inside even the coolest sports car. A motorcycle gives you a sense of freedom and independence that others may envy. Motorcyclists portray toughness and individuality.

Many people also love riding a motorcycle because of the open-air experience. You can enjoy all of the changes in temperature as the elevation of the road changes.

You may also love the feeling of the wind on your skin and the sun beating down on your face, which is the perfect way to experience all that Vermont offers.

Vermont is home to many fabulous motorcycle roads. Motorcyclists often enjoy navigating through twists and turns, accelerating and decelerating with the bends. They also love to take in natural views as they cruise on free-flowing roads.

These are some of the many great experiences you can enjoy when you ride in Vermont.

If you’re looking to tour Vermont via a motorcycle and need better insurance before doing so, enter your ZIP code above and compare at least three to four policies today!

The Six Best Roads for Motorcycles

Thousands of miles of roads crisscross Vermont, but you may be eager to enjoy the best that the state offers. These are some of the top scenic motorcycle roads in Vermont.

#1 — Brandon Mountain Road & 125 Loop Through the Green Mountains

Length of Route: 43 miles
Highlight: Forests, mountains

This route is a scenic drive through the Green Mountains and is ideal if you just want to get outdoors and ride. The route begins near Hancock and ends near Rochester.

You will pass through heavily forested areas and a few campgrounds, but there are not many other places to stop along the way.

The route includes several long, straight sections, but much of the road is curvy and fun to drive on. With two-lane roads, this is an ideal ride for one or two motorcyclists to enjoy rather than for a large group.

#2 — 102S: Windy, Twisty River Road from Canaan to Northumberland

Length of Route: 36 miles
Highlight: River, farmlands

This exciting drive takes you from Canaan southward to Northumberland on a twisting river road.

Throughout much of the ride, you will be on very smooth roads that are fun to ride on. Some of the turns are blind, so they should be handled with care.

You will pass through beautiful small towns such as Maidstone, Columbia, and Colebrook. These towns are ideal for stopping to get gas or snacks, and there are also some fabulous little cafes along the way.

#3 — Lake Champlain Islands on US Route 2

Length of Route: 50 miles
Highlight: Lake Champlain, farmland, Green Mountains, Adirondack Mountains

This route is one of the most scenic water routes in the state, and it takes you from Alburg to Burlington. You will pass through many Lake Champlain islands.

Along one beautiful stretch of the well-maintained road, you will have the Green Mountains and Adirondack Mountains on both sides of you.

The road has ample twists that are thrilling to drive. There are also many places to stop and explore, including Sandbar State Park, antique shops, restaurants, and more.

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#4 — Route 100 – from Willington to Killington

Length of Route: 75 miles
Highlight: Rivers, valleys, villages, forests

You will have a fantastic experience when you travel along Route 100 from Willington to Killington. This route takes you on a two-lane road that is in good condition and has many curves and bends.

You can take in river and valley views while you drive. The route also features a jaunt through the Green Mountain Forest as well as towns like Ludlow, Weston, Londonderry, and others.

With several bed and breakfasts, restaurants, and more to enjoy along the way, you can enjoy this route as a day trip or a weekend trip.

#5 — Molly Stark Scenic Byway

Length of Route: 40 miles
Highlight: Historical attractions, hills, forests

Cruising along the Molly Stark Scenic Byway between Brattleboro and Bennington is a great way to spend a few hours. This route takes you along a well-maintained two-lane road.

Enjoy a scenic overlook at Hogback Mountain, the Southern Vermont National History Museum, and numerous restaurants and shops. Be sure to bring your camera and your appetite when you ride on this route.

#6 — App Gap to Middlebury Gap

Length of Route: 84 miles
Highlight: Green Mountain National Forest

If you are looking for a thrilling riding experience suitable for a sports bike, the App Gap to Middlebury Gap loop is ideal.

You will begin in Richmond, and the route takes you across numerous switchbacks on narrow, twisting roads with several blind curves.

You will pass through both gaps, and you will also pass through Huntington and by numerous farms. Some of the more notable points of interest along the way are the Bridge Street Café and the Mad River Glen Ski Resort.

Safety Tips for Motorcycle Trips

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As amazing as riding a motorcycle can be, it can also be dangerous. You should take steps to protect yourself from injuries as well as financial loss in the event of an accident or mishap.

– Insurance Coverage

Even the safest motorcyclists can be involved in an accident. Collisions with other vehicles, pedestrians, wildlife, and more can happen. These events can cause injuries and property damage, and they can be costly to deal with.

Your motorcycle insurance gives you a convenient way to pay for these expenses, but you need to ensure that you have the right coverage.

Review your plan every six months to identify savings and to ensure that your coverage needs have not changed. A comprehensive policy may be most protective, and it includes liability protection as well as coverage for accidents, theft, and other events.

Your current car insurance policy may cover your motorcycle, but you should not assume this. If you need to shop for new coverage, compare three or four different quotes to find the best deal possible.

– Safety Gear

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The right safety gear can help you stay safer on the road. For example, a helmet, riding gloves, and jacket can minimize the severity of your injuries if you are involved in an accident.

Each time you venture out on your motorcycle, you should wear safety gear regardless of how short of a distance you plan to travel.

– Driving Behavior

You may also stay safer on the road when you practice safe driving behavior. Defensive driving includes being aware of other drivers’ on the road and always looking for potential hazards.

Some common road hazards include blind curves, other vehicles, wildlife, and more. You should also avoid driving in inclement weather conditions as well as during nighttime hours when possible.

If you want to safeguard your motorcycle before a road trip, start comparison shopping today for better motorcycle insurance by entering your ZIP code below!

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